Monday, April 20, 2015


Hello everyone, I hope you´re all doing well. I heard there was a pretty knarly snow storm in Salt Lake. Sounds like fun. 

The other week it hailed really hard. It was pretty cool. In that afternoon it was really how without clouds, but after a few hours it started hailing with hail the size of nickels (or pesos). It was pretty exciting. My companion has never seen snow so he was pretty stoked.

With "Mission Tan" from collar line up
We had a good week! We started out with a normal Tuesday. We had a really good lesson with some members and we talked about missionary work. They got super into it and the spirit was very strong. They made some plans to invite some friends from the university to a family home evening which is tonight. We are also going to bring a new investigator so that will be great. On Wednesday we had interchanges with Elder Jarmon, our other district leader and his companion Elder Pineda who is brand new. I stayed in our area with Elder Pineda who is a super solid missionary who only has three weeks in the mission. He´s from Chiappas Mexico. We had some good and interesting lessons that day. We have one 16 kid who we visit who is from the church, La Luz del Mundo, who always tries to fight us with the bible. We had an interesting lesson with him. If he doesn't start reading the Book of Mormon we´re going to have to drop him.

Thursday was good. We started off by finishing the interchanges by watching their weekly planning session. The only thing worse than weekly planning, is watching someone else do their weekly planning. They have a really good companionship though, they are both great Elders who are working really hard in their area. On Friday we did our weekly planning, and had some appointments as well. We also had a lesson with some of our new investigators who basically said that they aren't looking to join a church right now. Its always really sad to see investigators stop progressing, or decide to stop investigating but that's just the way that it is sometimes.

Roof of Apartment / Laundry facilities
Saturday was a good day as well. Everyone from the ward went on a temple trip so no members were home. For lunch the Hermana that was going to feed us gave us money, so we decided to chip in some of our own and try out a brazillian meat buffet restaurant. It was super good. We ate a ton of meat! It was super tasty but afterwards we started a fast and we were both really thirsty because we just ate a bunch of salty meat haha. Not the best decision but oh well. Also on Saturday we had a lesson with some of our newer investigators that went really well. It is a family of a mother and 3 children. We have a lot of faith that they are going to progress, and we think that the children will progress fast.

Sunday was great! For the first Sunday I've been here we had some new investigators in church from our area! Two of the children I just mentioned, Jesus and Veronica went to church, and a contact that we've met in the street a couple of times came with us too. It was great to see that. The contact, Andres, is also going to come with us to the Family Home Evening tonight as well, so we are pumped for that.

Yup, that was my week. I hope to see even better ones to come. Every have a good week as well!

-Elder Hartvigsen

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