Hola. Como están todos? Espero que bien. I can´t believe that it´s already February. I didn't even feel January. This was a good week. We worked pretty hard.
Volcano always in view |
So on Monday we did some visits. We had a family home evening with Geraldine which was great. A bunch of members from the ward came so that was really fun. Jesus wasn't there because he was working at his job in the Coca-cola factory.Tuesday we visited a bunch of people. We saw Carmen, Guadelupe and Angel, we also had a family home evening with Noemi and Steve. They're doing awesome! They're both really happy! The Relief Society president also gave them a picture of the temple and they already have it up on their wall.
On Wednesday we had our first district meeting of the transfer and the first one with Elder Ramos. It was good, the Zone leaders were also there. Also took a Spanish test thing, which I crushed. That evening we also had our ward missionary correlacion meeting with our ward mission leader, Hno. Adán Chamorro. He's a good guy. He owns a bunch of cows and sells milk. He started passing by our house give us milk and it's super good.
On Thursday we visited a bunch of less actives and recient converts. That morning we also started an exercise program that Elder Dansie lent us because my comp has been gaining a fair amount of weight. It´s called tapout and we started with legs. It wasn't the greatest decision haha. Our legs were dead for two or three days! It´s alright now however. On Friday we taught Edgar and Vicky and put a baptismal date with them. They're doing great, and are a lot more constant now. On Saturday we found a bunch of new investigators. Many are really good, but almost all are active in their respective churches. They have a lot of potential but it'll be hard to get them to attend church because their churches all start at the same time as our ward.
Sunday was good. We only had Edgar and Vicky in church. We have no idea what happened with Carmen and her family. They told us on Saturday that they were going to be there. However Steve blessed the sacrament in a shirt and tie we gave him. It was awesome. Yup, also they announced in church that an apostle is coming to Puebla in three weeks or so and it´s going to be Elder Oaks! We're way excited for that! Well, everyone have a great week!
-Elder Hartvigsen
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