Hola everyone! I hope you are doing well as this summer winds down. School is probably starting in just a few weeks. Wow! Crazy how time flies!
Interesting House in Tlaxcala |
Things in Tlaxcala are still going pretty well. We have some good days and some tough ones. Our investigators are doing well, but it seems like not many are progressing the way that they could. We were pretty disappointed Sunday when we had none of our investigators come to church again. We had gotten some really solid commitments but still none showed up. It´s tough when you do all that you can do, but people choose not to keep commitment and come closer to Christ.
We did make contact with a very solid investigator however. Her name is Carmen and she was an investigator that the Elders that were in our area before us had taught. We had been trying to find a time to teach her since she works a lot, but we finally dropped by when she had some time. We taught the Plan of Salvation and the spirit was very strong. She gave the closing prayer and started to cry because the spirit was so strong. It has been the best lesson we've had here so far. It was really just a testament to me that the Lord really is preparing people to receive this gospel and make a change in their lives.
We also had Zone Conference and Interviews with the President this last week. They were both very good experiences and I love meeting other missionaries that are serving in this mission, especially when I have the chance to speak English!
District in Tlaxcala |
The next day we had Interviews with the President and that was also really good. Our mission president is a great man, and is also a person that is nice to be around. I had a very good interview and also talked with Hermana Christensen. She actually knows some other Hartvigsens from the Salt Lake area which is pretty cool. It was a good time also just talking with other missionaries and seeing how they were doing and how their areas are.
I also found out where my MTC companions ended up. Elder Wilkey is in the eastern part of the Mission where it is more farmland. Hermana Christensen said they actually try to not send Americans to that part because it is less sanitary with the food since they just eat out of their gardens. I have actually been fortunate to be healthy so far. Pres. Christensen told us in our orientation that usually it is just a matter of time before we get really sick and have to get medication to flush our system. So I´m looking forward to that.
residential. There are lots of little tiendas everywhere amongst the houses that sell food and drinks. There are also lots of Tortillerias and Pandarias. Oh! I don't know if I´ve mentioned the Pan (bread) but it is great! It´s really more like cake, or donuts but it is soo good. It´s pretty cheap too so it makes a good snack or treat.
Yup, things are well here. It is tough sometimes, and I do wish that we had more investigators but it is still great to be a missionary. It´s great to have the Spirit so abundantly in my life. I have learned a ton these past couple months about the gospel and many other things. It´s crazy to think that cambios (changes) are in a couple weeks. Also one of the assistants called and we have to go to the mission offices in Puebla (an hour away) for something this Saturday. We don't know what it is for, but we might be changed. I heard from another elder that they are thinking of putting more Hermanas in Tlaxcala because of how safe it is here. It´s funny, I´m in the safest mission in Mexico, in one of the safest areas of the mission.
Anyways, I love you all! Enjoy your week!
Elder Hartvigsen
PS - Check out a video our zone made for Hermana Christensen's birthday. LINK HERE
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