Monday, January 26, 2015

Busy Week

Hola, como están? Tuvimos una semana loca! It was a crazy week here. We had a ton of things to do. So I can`t find my agenda right now, but I`m pretty sure that my companion has it but I`ll try to remember as best as I can. So last Monday after we wrote we ate a ton of food with three families. We ate with the family of the counselor of President Christensen, Los Perez and it was really good but the Hermana made us eat way too much haha. Later we had another appointment and they invited us to eat as well, and its pretty hard to say no, especially in Mexico where its kind of a cultural thing. Oh well, better to be too full than too hungry.

On Tuesday we had interviews with the president in the offices. It was good to get to talk to President Christensen and Hermana Christensen as always, they're awesome! Later we accompanied an investigator that lives in our area to have a interview as well with President Christensen to see if she could be baptized. So she had been attending church for about 3 years every sunday and has a strong desire to be baptized but her husband (not actually married) won`t marry her but she still lives with him. So the president gave her permission to be baptized so that was some really good news. Later we had a meeting with President Christensen and the Stake Presidency with other leaders from La Libertad. It was a really good meeting, but I couldn't really participate much because I'd only been in the Zone for about a day haha. A big emphasis in the stake right now is to strengthen the relationship between the members and the missionaries and to retain recent converts.

"Elder Sid"
On Wednesday we went to a couple district meetings and had exchanges with Elder Espinoza and Elder Breceda. It was kind of strange because I was back in Forjadores, a ward where I served for a few weeks. It was good, we saw a few members that remembered me and has some lessions. Pretty normal calm day with Elder Espinoza. The next day we met back up and my companion was drained because he was fasting for a procedure in the hospital. So we chilled for a bit in the house and later went to the hospital. So we went to the Hospital and he had the procedure. I had to wait outside alone and run some papers around for him alone. It was the weirdest thing ever, to be alone as a missionary without my companion. Also they put him completely to sleep and when he woke up he was speaking almost 100% English saying really funny stuff. It was really funny, I sent a few videos.

The next few days we worked a little in the area, took it a little easy because Elder Arias was pretty wiped out. I interviewed a 12 kid to be baptized by Elder Medrano, a District Leader in our zone. He was super prepared. On Sunday I went to church the first time in Aquiles Serdan. It was really good, the ward is a lot bigger than Resurgimiento. There is actually an Elders Quorum and we fill up the chapel. We actually met in another meetinghouse because they are remodeling ours but we are going to return this Sunday.

Alright, so we also did exchanges again starting yesterday because there is an elder in our zone that has to go to Mexico City every Monday to visit a doctor. So to give his companion a break we are going to take turns going with him to Mexico City. Right now Elder Arias is in Mexico City and I`m here with Elder Breceda. And Elder Arias has my agenda. So next week I will get to go to Mexico City so that will be pretty sweet.

Yup, we did a ton of stuff this week. We honestly haven't had a lot of time to proselyte in the area, but we did have a little time. That's just the way it is sometimes. It was a really fun week too. Elder Arias is a great Elder, really funny and nice. Well, everyone have a good week!

-Elder Hartvigsen

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