Tuesday, April 5, 2016

General Conference (Christmas for missionaries)

Hey everyone. Today I´m writing early because we are going to a zone activity in Apizaco and we´re not going to have time to write in the afternoon due to the time it takes to get back to Tetela. We´re doing well. We had a pretty good week and an awesome general conference.

Out in the country
So on Tuesday we had interchanges and I was with Elder Page in Chingahuapan. We had a really good exchange, Elder Page is a really good worker. It was also fun because it was the first exchange I'd had with him and he´s in my generation. He also got me up early on Wednesday to go to the gym haha. He has a football scholarship to Idaho state so he´s trying to bulk up. When we got there some lady asked me what I wanted to do and made me do arm exercises. I guess I looked kind of lost haha. So on Wednesday we had the district meeting which was good as always. We had a strong district with really good missionaries. After we went back to Tetela and the combi ride was pretty bad that time. In the afternoon we had a few appointments with investigators, had a pretty rough lesson at the end of the day. We dropped a few investigators after they finally came out to tell us they didn't want us to visit them.

Thursday was a good day, we had weekly planning and then ate with the Tolentino family in their field because President Tolentino was up there watching their sheep. So we went up there on the mountain to eat with them. We also saw their sheep, they have a bunch of newborns that are pretty sweet. In the afternoon we had a few appointments with some new investigators that are alright. On Friday we had a few other lessons and we found a cool family that lives on a really steep hill. We had a good lesson with them and they even committed to go to a session of general conference. We also passed by with Joaquin and his family to read with them. Their twin babies are super tiny. Saturday was awesome! We saw all of the general conference in the house of prayer and I was able to see it in English in the office. Kind of crazy even though we´re in a town way out in the mountains, there is good enough internet to stream general conference on 2 devices. The Saturday morning session was awesome, and I also really liked the priesthood session.

On Sunday we also saw the other sessions, and ate with the Tolentino family. It was also cool because the daughter of the branch president leaves today to go to the MTC so it was her last day with her family. We ate super good carnitas. In the evening we also had 3 appointments that went well. We were also a bit disappointed because none of the investigators showed up to general conference. :(

We had a good week, and we´re hoping for a even better one this week. Also it´s April already! That blows my mind! Everyone enjoy your week!

-Elder Hartvigsen

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